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Quiz name (*)

Field for entering the name of the quiz. 

NOTE: The mark * means that filling in this field is mandatory when creating a quiz

Multiple participation

Field to indicate whether participants will be able to participate in the quiz multiple times or only once


Quiz start date and time. Clicking on the calendar image will open a window where you can change the quiz start date and time

To change the day or time, you need to place your mouse on one of the columns and with the help of the middle button you can move the calendar up or down


In the Days, Hours and Minutes fields, type how long you want the quiz to last

Company logo URL

Field for entering the web location of the image you want to use for the logo of the company organizing the quiz

Background image URL

Field for entering the web location of the image you want to use as the background image for the quiz

Sponsor URL

Field for entering the website to which the participant will be redirected if they click on the picture of the sponsor (banner) in the quiz

Sponsor banner URL

Field for entering the web location of the image that will be used as the sponsor image (banner) of the quiz

Question (*)

Field for entering quiz question

NOTE: The mark * means that filling in this field is mandatory when creating a quiz

Select font – System

A button to select the font that will be used to write the text that appears in the quiz.

NOTE: If no special font is specified for writing, the default font on the participant’s phone will be used

Answers (*)

Button for entering the offered answers in the quiz. When the “+” button is clicked, a field for entering the offered answer will appear. The “+” button must be clicked as many times as there are answers.

Check box – a field for marking the correct answer

Answers (*) – answer field

X – button to delete the given answer

Prizes (*)

Button to enter the prize and the number of points awarded to prize winners. The points can later be exchanged for one of the rewards that the company awards. When the “+” button is clicked, a prize entry box will appear. The “+” button must be clicked as many times as the prize is awarded.

Prize (*) – prize name input field

Points (*) – field for entering the number of points obtained with the prize won

X – button to delete the given prize

Correct answer points

The number of points awarded to everyone who gave the correct answer regardless of whether they won any of the prizes or not

Allowed CG templates

A button for assigning a template that will be used for broadcasting on television. When the “+” button is clicked, a window will appear with a list of all created quiz templates. The “+” button must be clicked as many times as the number of templates to be assigned.

The selected template will appear on the page

By clicking on the trash can icon, the selected template will be deleted from the list of templates that will be used

Rules (*)

Field for entering the rules used when organizing the quiz.

Winning messages (*)

A field to enter a message to be displayed to the winner of the quiz.

Losing messages (*)

Field for entering a message to be displayed to participants who did not win the quiz.

Create Quiz

When you have finished filling in all the desired fields, click the “Create Quiz” button to finish creating the new quiz.

Appearance of the created quiz on the phone


1 – Company logo
2 – Background image
3 – Sponsor banner
4 – Question
5 – Answers