Home // Help

1 – Name of the company for which the ANSWERS panel is open
2 – Button to change company
3 – Logout button from the ANSWERS panel
4 – Options for working with QUIZZES
5 – Options for working with SURVEYS/VOTINGS
6 – Options for working with APPLICATIONS
7 – Options for working with MESSAGES
8 – Options for working with the LOTTERY
9 – Options to work with CUSTOM QR codes
10 – Options for setting the COMPANY

Button to change company

Clicking this button will open the company selection page

Logout button from the ANSWERS panel

Clicking this button will log you out of the ANSWERS panel and open the login page again


1 – Creating a new quiz
2 – All quizzes created so far
3 – Quiz templates


1 – Creating a new SURVEY/VOTING
2 – All SURVEYS/VOTINGS created so far
3 – Templates for SURVEYS/VOTINGS


1 – All previous APPLICATIONS
2 – APPLICATION templates


1 – Creating a new channel for MESSAGES
2 – Channels created so far for MESSAGES
3 – Template for MESSAGES


1 – Creating a new LOTTERY
2 – LOTTERIES created so far
3 – Templates for LOTTERIES


1 – Creating a new CUSTOM QR code
2 – CUSTOM QR codes created so far
3 – Templates for CUSTOM QR codes


1 – Analytics
2 – Defining rewards
3 – Settings related to the COMPANY